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观望者 1776


简介: There are certain men in this world who derive great pleasure from watching their wife or girlfriend engaging in sex with other men... commonly known as Watchers or Observers. These couples are usually hyper-sexual, and enjoy roll playing, swapping, and group sex. Meet John & Karen Dawson (Kirsten Price and Brad Armstrong) they are just such a couple. John can't get enough of seeing his hot wife being ravished by other men... Friends, co-worker, or complete strangers, and Karen is only too happy to oblige... It has become an obsession... And like any obsession sooner or later things tend to go horribly wrong. So when Karen decides it's time for a change, and falls for one of her new found fuck buddies, John's world is turned upside down. He fights to keep his wife and marriage intact, while Karen slips further and further away...Time to make a choice... Will he be able to give up his obsession, and the kinky underworld that goes with it, or will he walk away from the woman he loves...

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